The Crafts Club | Pinecone Guinea Fowl
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13 Nov Pinecone Guinea Fowl

Sunday, February 23rd 2025


Pinecone Guinea Fowl

Search your backyard or a neighbourhood park and use your imagination to create projects inspired by nature. The Guinea Fowl (a large wild bird found across Africa) project shown here is created from pinecones and pods from the tree.


Steps for Pinecone Guinea Fowl:

1. Supplies needed : Pinecones and seed pod heads (I have used pods from the Red Bottle Brush plant), binding wire wire thickness 0.71 mm ,acrylic paints (black, white), paintbrushes, earbuds or small paintbrush glue- gun, wire cutters, red spray paint, ribbon, dowels +- 6 mm diameter.

2. Make wire “legs” by twisting together 3 pieces of wire (15 cm in length) .Splay the last 3 cm apart on one end of each leg to create bird feet. Spray paint red and let dry.

3. Cut dowels into 3 cm pieces, shape the tip into a point and paint red.

4. Using the glue gun attach the painted beak to the pod head (this pod head has already been painted black).

5. Paint the pinecone body and pod head black. Let dry.

6. Glue the finished head on to the body and glue googly eyes or paint on your own eyes with white paint.

7. Use the earbud and white paint to put the dots on the guinea fowl’s body. Leave to dry completely.

8.Use pliers to twist the wire legs around the body and then twist to secure. Attach a ribbon and hang as a decoration or stand your guinea fowl on a shelf to display.

9. Finished, stand or hang.


These are really nice ideas. Simple to make and very attractive.