The Crafts Club | African Safety Pin Bracelet
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21 Jul African Safety Pin Bracelet

Sunday, February 23rd 2025


African Safety Pin Bracelet

South Africans are known for their ingenious use of ordinary materials to create beautiful pieces of wearable jewellery. Experience the satisfaction of making your own sparkling safety pin bracelet using safety pins, seed beads and elasticized cord. A fun and easy project.


Steps for African Safety Pin Bracelet:

1. Supplies : 80 safety pins size 4 (+- 4.5 cm long), elasticized cord, assorted seed beads, small pliers, wrist sizing tube (tube diameter 5.5 cm across). You can use any tube around the house such as a finished tube from paper towels or saran wrap (cling film)

2. Determine your wrist size: Small – 70 safety pins (less than 16 cm) Medium-74 safety pins (16-18 cm) Large – 80 safety pins (18 cm or more).

3. Bead half of your safety pins (9 seed beads per pin). Leave the rest of your safety pins unbeaded.

4. Gently crimp closed the heads of all the beaded and unbeaded safety pins with pliers.

5. Tie a loose knot through the tail end of the first unbeaded safety pin.

6. Alternate beaded and unbeaded pins on the cord until all are threaded. Make sure your pins are facing head to tail with all your beaded pins facing the same direction.

7. Untie the knot on the first unbeaded safety pin. Tie the two ends of the cord together around the tube. Tighten or loosen the tension of the cord to suit the fit you would like around your wrist.

8. String the opposite side of the bracelet in the same way and trim excess ends of elastic cord.

9. Slip the bracelet off the sizing tube.

10. Voila! It’s finished